Rebooting America’s image in the world

Dean Ernest J. Wilson III led a roundtable discussion on his recent experiences as a member of the Presidential Transition Team for the Obama administration at a Jan. 22 event at USC Annenberg.

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Governing Global Electronic Networks Conclusion

Governing Global Electronic Networks, 2008

Trends in China’s Transition Toward a Knowledge Economy

Asian Survey, 2005

This essay identifies critical trends in the evolution of information technology sectors in China. Chinese policymakers will have to make decisions in four areas that will shape the knowledge economy and may help transform China from being a technology market taker to a market maker. Read More »

African information revolution: a balance sheet

Telecommunications Policy, 2003

This paper provides a policy and institutional framework to describe and analyze the diffusion of information technology and the global information revolution (IR) in Sub-Saharan Africa and the major factors that influence this diffusion. We begin by examining regional diffusion and find substantial crossnational diffusion differences across the continent, with considerable variation in regional diffusion of telephone, internet, radio, and television. This pattern undermines technologic and economic explanations as sole determinants of variation in diffusion. Then we conduct an analysis of the IR in Sub-Saharan Africa based on a policy framework. This framework identifies four key policy balances (1. public and private initiatives, 2. monopoly and competition ‘‘markets’’, 3. domestic and foreign ownership or control, and 4. centralized and de-centralized administrative controls) as important elements to a better understanding of the diffusion of the IR. We find that a necessary condition for an explanation of the diffusion of the IR is a policy and institutional framework that incorporates these four balances. Read More »