Dean Wilson Speaks at UCLA-Hosted Digital Cities Conference

Thursday, April 24, and Friday, April 25, 2014, UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs hosted a conference titled “Who Owns the Digital City?” The conference heralded the onset of a larger focus at the School on emerging public policy issues in an increasingly digitally interconnected world.

The conference kicked off Thursday night with a keynote address by Jaron Lanier, who was named one of Time Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” for his work as a pioneering technologist and futurist. Credited with coining the term “virtual reality,” Lanier founded VPL Research, the first company offering products in that space, in the 1980s. Lanier went on to become the chief scientist of Advanced Network and Services and also served as the lead scientist of the National Tele-immersion Initiative.

The second day of the conference included three main panels aimed at discussing the effects of the digital revolution. Speakers included academics and professionals in the information sciences, allowing participants to hear a wide range of perspectives on the digital revolution and its effects on urban and global issues. Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, was one of those speakers. Peter Marx, Chief Innovation Technology Officer for the Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles described Dean Wilson’s discussion of digital connectivity and economic disparity as “fascinating.” That sentiment apparently was shared by others in attendance as several tweets about the event included Wilson’s statement, “The cost of not being on net goes up exponentially [for] the excluded.”


Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III Leads Commission in Producing a New Report on Engendering US-China Rapport: Building U.S.-China Trust: Through Next Generation People, Platforms & Programs

Dr. Ernest J. Wilson III, dean of the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, is one of two selected to lead a commission of leading scholars, former officials and businesspeople who are prominent on the landscape of U.S.-China relations. The commission was convened to research and report on ways to improve the relationship between the two countries. As noted in a release from the USC US-China Institute, American and Chinese economies and societies are more closely connected today than they ever have been, yet headlines and polls conducted among the populations of the two countries indicate low levels of respect and high levels of distrust toward one another. Building U.S.-China Trust: Through Next Generation People, Platforms & Programs is a joint report by the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and the Peking University School of International Studies commissioned to address these issues. Dean Wang Jisi of the Peking University serves as lead for the commission along with Dean Wilson.

The report was presented at USC’s Davidson Conference Center Tuesday, April 22, 2014 and at The Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., Thursday, April 24, 2014. Dean Wilson was a featured speaker at both events.

In addition to being dean of the USC Annenberg School and holding the Walter Annenberg Chair in Communication, Dr. Wilson is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He also serves as a board member of the Pacific Council on International Policy and the National Academies’ Computer Science and Telecommunications Committee. Wilson was a member of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting from 2000 to 2010, and chaired it in his last year, from 2009-2010. Focusing on the intersection between communication and public policy, Wilson has consulted for the World Bank and United Nations. Wilson also served on the White House National Security Council and as policy and planning director at the U.S. Information Agency. He has published widely on topics including governing global electronic networks and the politics of internet diffusion, and he advised on President Barack Obama’s transition team on matters of communication technology and public diplomacy.

Along with these accomplishments, Dr. Wilson has spoken widely on public diplomacy, communication and innovation issues, including presentations to the prestigious Boao Forum, the State Council, the Peoples Political Consultative Commission, and leading universities in China, and been published in outlets including China Quarterly and the Harvard Journal of International Affairs. He was a member of the Secretary of Commerce’s trade commission to China in 1994, and this year Dr. Wilson attended the China Development Forum in Beijing.


USC Annenberg Dean to Serve as Fellow of National Academy of Public Administration

Ernest J. Wilson III, Dean of USC Annenberg and Walter Annenberg Chair in Communication, has been selected as a fellow-elect of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), an independent, non-partisan organization that works in a consultative capacity with federal officials. “I am deeply honored,” said Dean Wilson, “for the opportunity to…”

Dean Wilson talks L.A. economy, Internet security and foreign affairs

USC Annenberg Dean Ernest J. Wilson III has had an influence on a range of topics in recent weeks, including the potential of Los Angeles’ economy, Internet security and foreign affairs within the tech industry. Read More »

White House Summit on Tech Inclusion

Joining other leaders from the public, private and non-profit sector, Dean Wilson participated in the “White House Summit on Tech Inclusion”, held in Washington DC January 31.  Bringing together leading thinkers and practitioners from around the country, the summit was held under the auspices of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Office of Public Engagement and a non-profit sponsored by Silicon Valley legend Mitch Kapor, The Level Playing Institute.  On behalf of President Obama, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President Valerie Jarrett offered the keynote address emphasizing the importance of  inclusion and diversity in America’s drive to greater achievements in science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM). The administration’s Chief Technology Officer Todd Park and other leaders addressed this same theme, and five private groups described concrete projects they have launched to promote inclusive STEM-based activities.